Permanent Secretary's Message


Permanent Secretary's Message

Welcome to the Ministry of Food Industry, Commodity and Regional Development Sarawak’s Official Website

The Ministry of Food Industry, Commodity and Regional Development Sarawak or M-FICORD aims to transform and sustain the agriculture sector and rural economy in Sarawak through modernisation and commercialisation, in line with our vision to have an advanced agriculture sector and rural economy by 2030.

M-FICORD helps to facilitate the development of agriculture sector and rural economy by engaging in greater collaboration with global, domestic and community partnership, driven by latest technologies and methods.

Furthermore, agriculture sector is one of the main focus areas in Sarawak’s Post Covid-19 Development Strategy (PCDS) 2030 where the main objective is to transform Sarawak into a Net Food Exporter by 2030.

To realise this, M-FICORD would like to invite entrepreneurs, private sector, farmers and all our citizen to work together in developing and transforming Sarawak’s agriculture sector and rural economy. Sarawak has huge potential that can be developed particularly in agriculture.

Thus, we called upon those who are interested to seize the opportunity and lift the economy and our food Self-Sufficiency Level (SSL) for a better food security in the near future.

I hope that all of us can work together and propel our agriculture sector towards a modern, competent agriculture and subsequently achieving our dream to make Sarawak the Net Food Exporter by 2030.

“Empowering Communities, Enhancing Growth, Spearheading Development”
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Food Industry, Commodity and Regional Development Sarawak




Copyright © 2020 Ministry of Food Industry, Commodity And Regional Development Sarawak
Last Updated On 24 Jul 2024

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